
March 2025
Monthly Matches
Days, dates, and times of matches can vary based on several factors including weather, scheduling conflicts, regional and national matches, or availability of Range Officers.
Before making the trip to the range please refer to the calendar above which will have the latest updates on the days and times of matches. Furthermore, we will always send an email match confirmation a minimum of 1 day before a match. If you are a member or regular shooter with the Powder Creek Cowboys you will receive an email, please keep an eye on your email for updates and confirmations.
Generally speaking, Cowboy Action matches will occur on these days:
- 2nd & 4th Saturdays
- 1st & 3rd Wednesdays
- Gates open @ 8:30 a.m.
- Mandatory safety meeting @ 9:30 a.m.
- Shootin’ starts @ 10:00 a.m.
2024 SUMMER HOURS (July thru September 30, 2024)
From June through September 30, 2024, we will begin our matches earlier in the day to beat the heat. Unless otherwise stated in a weekly match email between these dates the following hours will apply to all matches:
- Gates open @ 8:00 a.m.
- Mandatory safety meeting @ 8:45 a.m.
- Shootin’ starts @ 9:00 a.m.
Our stages are covered which allows us to shoot year round. Typically, only below-freezing temperatures and ice or snow on the road to the range will cause a match to be cancelled.
Check back for updates and special events. All regular scheduled and special events are located on our calendar. You can use the calendar to plan the best time for you to visit our range. We are always happy to see new faces, as well as old friends. If you are new to our sport, please contact us first so we can make a mentor available for you.