Congratulations Land Run Competitors

Powder Creek Cowboys at the National Championship

The Powder Creek Cowboys were well represented this year at Land Run, the SASS Cowboy Action Shooting national championship.    We had a total of 23 members compete at Land Run in CAS and several others compete at Wild Bunch. 

Overall We had two National Champions in their respective categories and a total of 14 members place in the top 10 of the respective categories.  Congratulations on your performance and thank you for representing The Powder Creek Cowboys.

AliasPlaceCategoryMatch finalTotal Time
Bertie Winchester1LG256312.43
K-Lyn Wolf2LBWSS426382.46
Boss Shamrock3CC619609.55
High Plains Hud3CC273320.19
Tame Bill3FCDS360349.54
3 Shot Shamrock4CC277321.67
Parson Remington4FSS615594.87
Doc Dag5CCES569499.46
Jayhawk Jerry7EP354348.25
Skillet Johnson7GES497428.63
Abilene Slim10CC573506.97
No H Sara12LW325339.1
Sgt StroDog12DES548474.92
Bluff Creek Gilbert16CB358348.88
Kylie Coyote19LSS645756.54
Marshal Gunnison25ES517438.92
Copperhead Carson30SS511435.41
Luckyshot Hailey32FN222298.17