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2021 Kansas State FIRE AND ICE Black Powder ACTION SHOOTING Championship

Whether you are a frontiersman or a gunslinger, black or smokeless powder shooter this event is for you.  Combining the best of both our powder worlds and open to all shooters, this two-day match will challenge all shooters.

Register today to make sure we save you a spot on the firing line.

October 30 – 31, 2021!  Get your application in today!

2021’s Kansas Black Powder Championship Schedule of Events

Saturday, October 30th

Gates Open …………………………..…………………………..………………….7:30 am

Registration …………………………..…………………………..………………….7:30 am 8:15 am

Mandatory Shooters’ Safety Meeting …………………………..……………..8:30 am

Main Match Day 1 …………………………..…………………………..………… 9:00 am Complete

Lunch is provided on both days. 

Sunday, October 31st

Gates Open …………………………..…………………………..…………………….7:30 am

Main Match Day 2 …………………………..…………………………..……………9:00 am Complete

Lunch is provided on both days.