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SASS Range Officer Training I & II

The Powder Creek Cowboys and El Dorado Wayne will be hosting a two-day SASS Range Officer Training course to qualify individuals as range officers.  The course consists of two days of instruction and a practice session for timer operators on the final day of the course.  According to SASS guidelines, all RO’s and TO’s should have a refresher course once every 2 to 3 years.  If you have not attended a recent sanctioned RO I & II course and you wish to operate a timer or help with Matches you should attend this training class.

SASS Registration Guidelines:

Students interested in taking the SASS Range Officer Training Course require the following:

Must be a SASS Member.
Must have competed in Cowboy Action Shooting™ matches for a minimum
period of six months.

Students are required to register with the SASS Range Officer Instructor at least 10 days prior to the class by submitting the Range Officer Training Registration Form. Each registration must be submitted to SASS at least seven days prior to the class for SASS membership and Range Operations Safety Course status verification. SASS Range Officer Instructors are required to verify minimum length of time the student has been an active Cowboy Action Shooter.

Fees for the Class:

RO I – $15.00

RO II – $25.00

Fee for Both Days – $40.00

Refreshers Total for Both Classes $20.00

Fill in the form below to reserve your space in this class.

Membership Status
I verify that I am over the age of 18 and legally allowed to enter into this agreement
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.