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Wild Bunch SASS Range Officer Training

The Powder Creek Cowboys will be hosting a single day SASS Wild Bunch Range Officer Training course to qualify individuals as range officers.  According to SASS guidelines, all RO’s and TO’s should have a refresher course once every 2 to 3 years.  If you have not attended a recent sanctioned WB RO  course and you wish to learn the rules,  operate a timer or help with Matches you should attend this training class.

Prerequisites for course attendance are:

  • Current SASS member
  • Familiarization with the SASS WB Handbook
  • Understanding of the function and operation of all SASS WB legal firearms

Fulfilling the prerequisites will greatly enhance each participant’s successful completion of the course, and
allow for continuity and consistency of training as well. If you have questions about the prerequisites call or
email me.

Before attending the class you should:
1. Copy and paste the following link http://www.sassnet.com/Shooters-Handbook-001A.php in your
browser and print a copy of the SASS Wild Bunch Handbook version 6d.
2. Read the Handbook.
3. Bring the Handbook with you to training.
4. Bring note-taking materials to the training. During the written test you may use your notes, but NOT the
WBAS Handbook during the test.
5. Bring lunch, snacks, or drinks you may want.
6. Do NOT bring any firearms or ammunition into the classroom.

The course consists of a PowerPoint presentation, a 25 question written test, and a range-oriented practical test.

All the test answers are in the WBAS Handbook, so we emphasize that you read and understand the Handbook before the class. The training will be approximately 4 – 5 hours, with a half-hour lunch break and hourly 10 minute breaks.

After the classroom session we will go to the Powder Creek Cowboys range for practice stages. You may bring guns and ammunition for this portion of the class.


Upon successful completion of the course you will receive your WBAS RO Pin. If you are interested or would
like more information, please contact Sassparilla Groz at [email protected].

Leawood Police Department
4201 Town Center Drive
Leawood, KS  66211

Fees for the Class:


Fill in the form below to reserve your space in this class.

Membership Status
I verify that I am over the age of 18 and legally allowed to enter into this agreement
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.